Silencieux slip-on Line Track Day
Mis au point spécifiquement pour un usage sur piste, lorsqu’une diminution du niveau sonore s’imposeCollecteurs optionnels disponibles pour certains modèles, afin d’améliorer le couple et la puissance, surtout à partir du mi-régimePART #1811-4052 must be combined with either PART #1812-0325 link pipe for mounting on stock headers or PART #1812-0324 link pipe for mounting on the header set from the PART #1810-2344 Evolution Line kit. Evolution line PART #1810-2344 or Racing Line PART #1810-2758 (the collector and headers with associated fitting material (flanges, springs, inner sleeves and lambda plugs - please refer to schematics of the mentioned systems)).
Fitting kit PART #1861-1254, including the muffler bracket and clamp, must be ordered and purchased separately to install PART #1811-4052.